Down syndrome

Recently one can notice the growing attention to the problem of senile dementia and corresponding increase of the number of clinical, neurobiological and other researches. In spite of the significant progress made in studying brain pathomorphology in senile processes, a lot of sides of these processes still remain not clear. The characteristic of the topographic definition of localizing apolipoprotein, amyloid beta-protein and amyloid beta-protein precursor in Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome and besides the evaluation of their relations with duration of beta-amyloidosis process is of great interest. Down disease is of great importance in connection with similarity with Alzheimer’s disease because it has some neuromorphological changes (senile plates, neurofibrillary changes at the age of 30-35 years old). The scientists have an opinion that Down syndrome (trysomia of chromosome 21) is an inborn form of Alzheimer’s disease. (Mozar H., Bal D., Howard J. // Jama. - 1987. - Vol. 257 .- P. 1503 – 1507).

The data of studies point to insufficient efficiency of the present methods of treatment of the both diseases and it’s necessary to develop complex therapy being influenced on the different aspects of the pathological process.
